Tuesday 30 June 2015

说 (to say/speak/tell)

Pinyin:  shuo1

Meaning: To say, to tell, to speak.

Number of strokes: 7

HSK level: 1

Radicals: 讠 (speech) radical

Monday 29 June 2015

会 (future tense particle; to be able to; meeting)

Pinyin:  hui4

Meaning: 1. A particle added in front of a verb to indicate the future tense. 2. To be able to do something; to have or know a skill/ability. 3. (noun) Meeting.

1. 明天下雨吗? (ming2tian1 hui4 xia4yu3 ma1?, Will it rain tomorrow?)
2. 我开车。(wo3hui4 kai1che1, I know how to drive/I can drive.)
3. 我中文。(wo3hui4 zhong1wen2, I know Chinese.)
4. 我们要开。(wo3men2 yao4 kai1hui4, We are going to have a meeting.)

Number of strokes: 6

HSK level: 1

Radicals:  (person) radical

Sunday 28 June 2015

这 (this)

Pinyin:  zhe4

Meaning: This
[Note: usually followed by a classifier in formal contexts, however in colloquial speech the classifier can be omitted.]

1. 孩子真调皮。(zhe4 hai2zi zhen1 tiao2pi2, This child is so naughty.)
2. 水果真好吃。(zhe4 shui3guo3 zhen1 tian2, This fruit is so sweet.)

Number of strokes: 7

HSK level: 1

Radicals: 辶 (walk) radical

Saturday 27 June 2015

了 (completed action particle)

Pinyin:  le

Meaning: a particle added to the end of a verb to indicate a completed action. 
[Note: this is only used to indicate actions completed in the recent past or at a specified point in the past. The particle 过 is usually used to indicate an action which has been completed in the distant past or at an indefinite point in time in the past].

A: 你吃吗? (ni3 chi1le ma1?, Have you eaten?) B: 。 (wo3 chi1le, I have eaten.)

Number of strokes: 2

HSK level: 1

Radicals: N/A

Friday 26 June 2015

有 (to have, to be/exist (in a place))

Pinyin:  you3

Meaning: 1. to have (in the possessive sense), 2. to have (done something) [Note: usually used in the negative sense], 3. to be/exist in a place (ie. "there is/are ~")

1. 我一个孩子。 (wo3you3 yi2ge4 hai2zi, I have one child.)
2. 我没去过中国。 (wo3mei2you3 qv4guo4 zhong3guo2, I have not been to China.)
3. 这里很多医生。 (zhe4li3 you3 hen3duo1 yi1sheng1, There are many doctors here. (Lit: Here have many doctors.)

Number of strokes: 6

HSK level: 1

Radicals: N/A

Thursday 25 June 2015

好 (good, ok (affirmative answer to a question), easy/enjoyable (prefix to form positive adjectives)

Pinyin: hao3

Meaning: 1. good (adjective), 2. ok (an affirmative answer to a question indicating agreement); 3. prefix added to a verb to form a positive adjective indicating ease of use or enjoyment

1. 人 ((a) good person)
2. A: 你跟我去吧。 (ni3 gen3wo3 qv4ba, Come with me.) B: 。 (hao3, Ok.)
3. 吃 (delicious/yummy, lit: good to eat), 玩 (fun, lit: good to play), 看 (1. attractive, lit: good to look at)
4. 这车很开。(zhe4liang4che1 hen3hao3kai1, This car is very easy to drive.)

Number of strokes: 6

HSK level: 1

Radicals:  (woman) radical

Wednesday 24 June 2015

们 (plural suffix for personal nouns/pronouns)


Pinyin: men

Meaning: a suffix added at the end of a personal noun/pronoun to form the plural form of that noun/pronoun.

Examples: 我们 (wo3men, we/us), 你们 (ni3men, you (plural)), 他们 (ta1men, they/them), 朋友们 (peng2you3men, friends), 孩子们 (hai2zimen, children)

[Note: 们 is often omitted from the plural form of personal nouns and is usually only added for emphasis, eg. when addressing a group of people.]

Number of strokes: 5

HSK level: 1

Radicals:  (person) radical